Friday, July 19, 2013


Dear Beloved Bloggers,
Have you signed up for the Indie-Credible event yet? Time is running out!

This event is inspired and modeled after the fantastic Authors Are Rockstars Tour. They got to be so big, that they couldn’t include everyone that wanted to participate, so rockstar bloggers, Shirley and Laura, decided to help out and Indie-Credible Authors was born!

Sign up to host an indie author and help spread the love of books and reading. You can request one of the authors on the list below (I'm on there!) but you might not end up with your first choice so be prepared to maybe get to know a new author. Your post can be an interview, review, vlog, or whatever. The point is to have fun with it. 

Go sign up! You know you want to! All the cool kids are doing it! ;)
You can read more about the event and sign up on Laura or Shirley's blogs...


1 comment:

  1. Okay, I just signed up, and guess who my 1st choice was?!! :)


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