Monday, March 28, 2011


Thanks to everyone who voted and commented on my BASE jumping poll. I've decided it can go in the query. If agents don't know what it is, and are curious, they can google it.

One of my MCs BASE jumps daily as a way to deal with his emotional pain. For him, adrenaline rushes help ease his heartache. Well, okay, and he might have a little bit of a death wish too but whatevs.

For those who didn't know, BASE stands for Building Antenna, Span, Earth. Meaning, poeople wear winged flight suits and a parachute and leap from inanimate wicked-tall objects like mountains, bridges, skyscrapers etc. No, I haven't done it. Although, call me crazy, I'd love to try it because I've been skydiving a few times and absolutely love it.

Here's one of my fav BASE jumping videos in case you want to see what it's all about. It's shot in breathtaking Norway and it gives me excited (and envious) chills every time I watch. Enjoy!


  1. That looks cool, but I'm definitely not brave enough to try something like that!

  2. You should definitely try it! There are so many things we set out to do in life and don't - I believe we should have a list of goals and make it our duty to do them before we kick the bucket.

    I think the agents you query will have an idea of what "BASE" is, especially if they rep adventure.

    Much love with your query and keep us posted. :D

  3. STILL too scared to ever try it! Though... I WOULD skydive again in a heartbeat :)


  4. You are braver than me. I'm totally petrified of heights. My husband would love to do it though.

  5. When I was younger, no problemo..... now that I'm an older gal..... I don't know if my stomach could handle it. :O)

  6. Those Norwegian Fjords are so beautiful!

    And man that video is cool, the shot where she jumps off to follow him down and then they film each other? Amazing.

    I'm not sure I could ever muster the courage to base jump, but I would love to go skydiving someday.

  7. Base jumping sounds very thrilling. I'd love to try it someday.

  8. How cool! It's definitely something that many don't write about, that that just might catch an agent's eye. Good luck!

  9. That looks amazing! I'd never have the guts to do it but it sure looks great!

  10. Many of the hardest-core base jumpers have more than one or two arrest for jumping off private property, etc.

    An arresting thing to have the MC doing as stress relief.

    Good luck

  11. Omigosh, that got my heart pumping just watching the video!

  12. Freaky!!!

    btw, have you heard from Megan R? I e-mailed her a while back and never heard anything. Is she okay?

  13. Man, that's cool but freaking insane. I applaud their bravery.

  14. I wasn't here to take your poll, but I also know what it is (without Googling it), though I didn't know what it stood for, or that it stood for anything. Hence, I didn't know it was all capitalized like that. But at least I would have known what you were talking about :)

  15. If you find an agent who knows this, then they're probably the agent for you. Good luck!

  16. That looks awesome. I loved the video. I don't know if I'd do it myself.

  17. Oooh, cool. Me and my husband have watched some of these BASE videos. I'm too chicken for that, but it would be neat!

  18. I can't believe how small that landing zone is! Yikes. Or splash down in that icy fjord. Brr. But I did love watching from the safety and warmth of my chair. ;)

  19. Beautiful shots! But wow, I am waaaay too chicken to base jump.

  20. What a wonderful and exciting hobby to intricate into your book for your MC. I think it is brilliant. Looks terrifying, but I understand the premise.

  21. I'd be too afraid to even entertain the idea! That's why books are great. You could do it within the confines of the written work. ;)

  22. Wow, you are so brave, I wish I could do that:)

  23. I'm calling your CRAZY. o_0

    Hell NO, I wouldn't do it. I'm not jumping out of perfectly good planes either. The only way I'm jumping out of a plane is if it's about to go down. *cue me bock-bocking like a chicken*

    That sais, I have hang glided before (I was terrified, but it was fun)...and I regularly surf. (some people think surfing is scary) And public speaking doesn't scare me.

    Anywhoodles, I think most agents will know what BASE jumping is, or they'll learn about it in your ms. It's not a played-out hobby/sport, so I think it's to your advantage. And you can certainly have plenty 'o tension in a B-jumping scene!


  24. Wow, that's so nice and neat! I really like your blog..soo many followers haha. Stop by my blog:)

  25. I really like what you've written in the sidebar about the Kindrily. Also, I didn't recognize the term BASE jumping but did remember reading an article about it in the Economist a few years ago.

    I've never gone skydiving or BASE jumping but I think given the opportunity, I'd try both.


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