I'm no exception to the rule. Here are some words of wisdom for those times when it seems really hard...
“When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it.” ~Henry Ford
My writer skies have been extremely windy lately. (I think I might even have 2nd degree windburn.) But I knew it would be a rough ride. I just have to buckle in and suck it up. I have to keep believing that one day, soon, my plane will take off.Even after it does, it's inevitable that there will be turbulence. It's part of the journey. (I actually kind of enjoy turbulence--it's like being on a roller coaster in the sky.)
So until takeoff, I will try to appreciate the gusty breezes whipping against me. I'll keep pushing the hair from my face so I can try to enjoy the view of where I am (because it will look very different when I get where I'm going) and I'll ask the flight attendants to stop bring me cupcakes. (When did they start serving cupcakes on flights anyway? What happened to peanuts?)
*Those of you who are close with me will get the cupcake joke. To the rest of you, I'll explain in a future post.*
May your skies be perfect for whatever leg of the journey you are on. Oh, and remember that in case of a loss in cabin pressure to put on your oxygen mask before assisting others, note any and all emergency exits, and have a safe flight.