Monday, June 1, 2009


“Whatever with the past has gone, the best is always yet to come.” ~Lucy Larcom

It's my 30th birthday.

When my mom was this age she was married and had my brother and me.
I have no boyfriend, two dogs, and a WIP YA novel.
Very different paths of life.

On my 29th birthday, I had no idea I was going to write a book. No idea that I would attend a writers conference, or discover a beautiful new world of talented writing folks. So I can honestly say that A LOT can happen in a year.

Who knows what my 30th year of life has in store, but all I can say is "bring it on."


  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! Girl I'm 39, have been married once, no children, and no prospect of a boyfriend at the time. Dogs are better! :-)

  2. Happy birthday! You're rocking the big 30.

  3. Happy Birthday! I hope it's the best year ever. And I love that Twilight pic and the quote. Awesome! :D

  4. HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!! Where are you online so I can properly wish you a happy birthday and annoy you all day! I'll guess you're at work.

  5. I hope you're having an amazing and fun birthday! And don't worry about turning thirty - I'm not far behind you and in the same situation! Remember that no husband/boyfriend and no kids = more time to write. :)

    Happy Birthday!!

  6. Thanks everybody. I'm happy to report that I got three wonderful new books for my bday. PLUS a $40 Amazon gift card from my brother. So I'll buying a few more on my list. :)

  7. CORRECTION: 4 BOOKS! :) Thanks Steve.

  8. Karen,

    Sorry I missed wishing you a happy birthday until now! Sometimes, it takes me a bit to catch up on all my blogs.

    Anyway, I cannot believe you just up and decided to write a book last year and The Kindrily is what came out of you. That is, like, a story you will tell your legions of fans one day.

    I believe you are suffering from a bout of -But what will I do with my life?-syndrome. I get that once a year.

    I am 32 honey, and AMAZED by everything you've accomplished. Plus, I think it's hard for writers/readers to find suitable guys. For once thing, we spend all of our time in front of books and computers--doesn't leave a lot of time for dating. For another, real life-guys have our fictional characters to contend with, and our fictional characters do whatever we tell them to do (most of the time).

    Anyway, happy birthday to you and this whole world that you created this year. You have a lot to celebrate! Welcome to the 30s Club!


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