Monday, January 3, 2011

Just Another New Year Post

A new year.

A blank page.

A beginning to a new chapter.

I want to fill this one with an abundance of good health, happiness, success, and love.

I have vowed to write more, read more, and create more because that will bring all of the above into my life.

I will try to forgive my boyfriend’s bad moods and thank him for forgiving mine. With a heavy heart, I will hold his hand as he copes with losing his mother less than 2 weeks before Christmas, and I will silently (and somewhat guiltily) pray that I have a long time left with mine.

I will tell my friends and family how much they mean to me, and how grateful I am to have them in my life. But not just on Facebook, Twitter, or via email, because they deserve more than that and it saddens me that real communication is becoming a lost art.

I will try to remember what’s important.

I will try to keep things in perspective.

To hell with making resolutions to lose weight, join a gym, or stop eating chocolate or drinking coffee.

I most likely won’t lose weight and I’m okay with that. It saves me from spending money on new smaller sized clothes—my current ones fit just fine. Not to mention gyms are expensive and I’d rather put all that money towards chemotherapy and supplements to help my bulldog, Rooney, win his battle against cancer.

I won’t give up chocolate or coffee. They bring me comfort and taste delicious, and life is just too short to give up what you love.

That will be my theme, motto, and inspiration for 2011…Love.

Love what you do.

Love who you’re with.

Love yourself.

And when in doubt, love.

Happy New Year to each of you. With love, I wish you an abundance of happiness, good health, success and love.

Thank you for being a part of this chapter.


  1. Perfect, Karen. Once again your words are perfect. No more or less than what needs to be said. You have a beautifully simple and direct way of articulating the things that are most important. To love is my aim, too. To love others, to love what I have, to love what I do, and most of all to love myself, which I am not so good at. Happy new year, angel, and best wishes. xxx

  2. Karen, I love you and your blog. Period.

    I wish you the best in 2011.

  3. This was beautiful! Happy New Year to you as well!

  4. I'm with you on the part about chocolate. I'm never giving that up. ;)

    Also I always tell the people close to me I love them in person. You can't get warm hugs through email.

    Oh, and Happy New Years to you and Roonie!!!


  5. So sorry about your boyfriend's mother.

    This was a great post to remember the things that are most important.

    Happy New Year.

  6. Stunningly beautiful, like you.
    Love I will. Thank you.

  7. There's nothing wrong with coffee and chocolate. What's life without a little sweetness, right? Happy New Year :)

  8. I hope Rooney gets better!

    Love makes everything worthwhile. Thanks for the post, and the reminder :)

  9. Thank you for this heartfelt post. I'm hoping all the best for Rooney!

  10. I'm so sorry to hear about your boyfriend's mom. What a difficult thing to go through at an already stressful time of year.
    This was a beautiful post and an important reminder to stay focused on the really important things in our lives. I wish you all of the good things that you have set your sights on this year. All the best. - G

  11. A perfect and beautiful list of blessings and thankfulnesses..... :O)

  12. **contented sigh** What a beautiful and uplifting post. Thank you for reminding us what is most important.

  13. This was a beautiful post, Karen. And so powerful! Thanks for spotlighting what is TRULY important. Have a wonderful 2011! :-)

  14. Beautiful post! Love is really the most important thing, isn't it? I think I'll borrow this idea for the new year, if you don't mind.

  15. Fabulous post. I'm still going to try to lose a little weight. When you're (meaning me) the size of a whale, it shouldn't be too hard, right? Um, right.

  16. I like your resolutions, good lady. Here's to a lovely 2011!

    Oh, and healthy thoughts for Rooney, too.


  17. Love this Karen. So glad 2010 brought us closer together as friends. Here's hoping 2011 does all the more so. ((hugs)) :)

  18. Blogger eated my comment. To sum up, thank you for making me smile every time I visit.

  19. Life is way too short to give up chocolate. WAY too short.

    Very lovely post. :)

  20. I've been gone way to long. I love the new look. I love this post... You're amazing. Did I tell you that??

    Well I'm telling you now. You're amazing.

  21. Wow. What a beautiful post. It actually brought a tear to my eye! Yes! Life IS too short. We should all do what makes us and our loved ones happy. And I quote, Strictly Ballroom here: 'A life lived in fear is a life half lived.' So let's put all our best efforts into achieveing out dreams! :o)

  22. I LOVE the positive energy that emanates from your blog, especially this post. Thanks!

  23. And when in doubt, love.

    Absolutely perfect!!!!!

  24. Happy New Year! And here's to spending more time with our loved ones while we can. Life is indeed too short. ;)

  25. These are great goals, good luck.

  26. Great post and happy new year! Chocolate is heavenly right? So why try to be farther from heaven?

  27. Great post. Succinct and articulate. A Happy New Year to you!

  28. I don't remember how I found your post about your dog, but I was moved. And so now you have a new desciple. I was moved again with this current post. Thea is right. Your words are perfect, sparse, "Beautifully simple."

    Thank you for the post.

  29. Sweetly said. I agree, it's all about love. :)


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