Friday, April 9, 2010


I realize millions--many millions--of people write a book (or several) in their lifetime. The saddening statistic of how many people actually get published is minimal.

To the few people who have read my books and stand proudly in my corner, cheering me on and assuring me this dream is possible, thank you (times infinity).

To the others who haven't read my books but STILL support me, my blog, my silly rants, and my lofty dreams, thanks to you as well (times infinity).

Because after all is said and done, whether or not my stories ever get published, I WILL remember those who were there for me. I've got a great memory but I've got a bigger heart, and someday in whatever way life affords, I will hopefully be able to show my gratitude instead of just expressing it.

Thank you. With all my heart.


  1. no, thank YOU for creating such amazing stories and imagery to allow us to escape from this world and travel into your (beautifully) twisted world! =)

  2. Aw, this is such a sweet post Karen!!

    =) Um, speaking of dreams... You know what I want. I'm just sayin'... Don't use the word unless you want me to bring it up. (post it dude)

    PS are you going to Disney? And can I still come?

  3. Love you girl! Keep plugging away. :O)

  4. Awww darl'n! Our dreams are so important!

    We love you girl & you will be everything that you dream to be... ;o)

    Visit My Kingdom Anytime

  5. Thank you! I mean that. You are so inspiring and warm-hearted. Although I haven't read them, I expect your stories are filled with the awe and excitement you express so well.

  6. Don't you just love the writerly bloggy community? These are some great peeps, our fellow writers.

    Keep plugging away.

    Happy Friday/Weekend!

  7. Dreams are who we are, what we're made of. Without dreams and hope, we are absolutely nothing. Keep at it. Don't give up. You have a great attitude!

  8. Karen, there is one key to absolute assurance that you will become published: never give up. I have confidence that you will not and that you will find someone eventually who loves your work enough to make it available to the masses.

    I haven't read your book(s) but I've followed your blog for a little while now and I'm pretty sure you'll make it.

    Your post is really touching and I'm sure something that a lot of us novice writers feel from time to time. Thanks for sharing!

    Shameless promotion:

    I have an awesome guest post today on my blog by Cole Gibsen.

    This one is pure query/submission gold folks in which she shares the ACTUAL query that landed her an agent and the correspondence that ensued.

    Please stop by to read, comment and follow.


  9.'s all about support, and you've got plenty. I look forward to reading your first publication when that day comes. As writers, much like in conquering any lofty goals...if it were easy, everyone would be doing it. Keep slamming the keys sweetheart, it'll happen:)

  10. Awwwwww!! This post is exactly why I, for one, will continue to stand firmly in your corner. :)

  11. *hugs* there is a reason we love and support you. You rock.

    That is all. ;)

  12. Awwww. You are so sweet. You have a solid foundation of bloggy friends who will always work hard to support you and your dreams. And you WILL achive them! :-)

  13. I love you Karen! This is the book. I've said it a hundred times, but I really mean it. This one will be published because it's brilliant, unique, and well written and because people will love it. I'm excited for you.

  14. Good luck with the dream. I'm cheering you on. Blogland is so nice for that.

  15. awwww i love this post. so sweet. so honest.

    thanks for sharing :D

  16. I love my artist friends. You are very inspiring and I hope one day I will be able to find my creative outlet! Thanx for letting me into the reading circle ;) I feel privileged!!

  17. I know you're going to get there. Knows it.

  18. Awww, how sweet is that? I'm not sure I've been a big help to you, but I'm definitely supporting you!

  19. You're already showing your gratitude by contributing to the writing community. THe best thing writers can do is help each other out. I firmly believe that. Keep up the fabulous work!

  20. From reading your blog, I know you will not quit or fail, for magic does neither.

    Come check out my entry into the murder scene blogfest. It is from my historical fantasy, RITES OF PASSAGE, set in 1853 aboard a transatlantic steamer in the Gulf of Mexico.
    Thanks, Roland

  21. Aw, if your novels are as good as your blog posts, you will definitely be in the group that "makes it".

  22. No, thank you! You are great, and you will get there.

  23. Shine on, girlie. U. Are. Awesome.

    Maybe that's why I just gave you an award over at my blog... ;)

  24. Dreams are everything. Hang on, Karen. You will be published and we'll be here cheering you on!

  25. Thank you for such a heartfelt and lovely blog. Dreams -- especially dreams we work so hard for -- are such beautiful thing. Just grab on tight to it. You can make it. *hugs*

  26. That was a sweet post! Looking forward to reading more of your posts.

  27. What a precious post! You're amazing, girl and you WILL be published one day. It will be fun to celebrate with you when it happens! Have a wonderful afternoon.

  28. Hi Karen !

    The important thing is the journey, and not the destination.

    If you enjoy writing, then don't worry about anything else. A writer, as any other "artist", shouldn't really care about any supporters or followers and should not depend on any external judgement that could substitute his/her own ... because the ruthless internal judgement is what really counts !

    I think the following poem by Charles Bukowski, says it all:

    So you want to be a writer?

    Dreams are the essence of our existence. Since you want it so much, I'm sure u will make it, sooner or later !

    Have a nice day. :)



  29. How sweet! I think you have an awesome blog.

  30. It's nice to know we have someone who will lift us up when we're feeling a little down.

  31. You're so sweet Karen! I am in complete agreement with you as well! All the love this blogosphere gives is so sweet and inspirational!

  32. I consider myself blessed to have stumbled on your blog. You are sweet, down to earth, and humble. The way you share your journey with us makes me feel like one day I might be able to get as far as you! It's hard work of course, but that's what makes me believe it can happen! Sometimes those who are "born with it" lack the passion to do it. Others have all the passion and, although they weren't born with it, are willing to work towards it. Those are the writers who inspire me - and you are one of them. I hope that all makes sense in every good way possible! - G

  33. I know the feeling. For all that I moan and groan about the struggle of writing, I am a damn lucky girl with a lot of support.

  34. I haven't read your stories yet, but I DO love your blog. So it's a win-win!

    I feel the same--it's empowering to have people in your corner, isn't it, though?

  35. Aww, so sweet. Feelin' the love over here. You are very special ;o) Love the blog!

    Thank YOU for continuing to make it interesting and inventive ;o)


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