Thursday, July 14, 2011

Celebrating My Book Deal With Great Friends

Two of my fabulous CPs are giving away AWESOME books while celebrating my book deal for TANGLED TIDES. (In case you missed that epic news you can read my original announcement here.)

BUT, if you want to win ENTWINED by Heather Dixon visit Natalie Bahm's blog.

If you'd like to win SIREN'S STORM by Lisa Papademetriou, or SWEET VENOM by Tera Lynn Childs visit Alexandra Shostak's blog.

I'm giving away SEVEN TEARS INTO THE SEA by Terri Farley. (Just leave a comment and be a follower/supporter to win.)

Notice a trend? My YA paranormal/fantasy romance is about mermaids, selkies, gorgons AND sirens (yes, some people think sirens and mermaids are the same thing, but not in my twisted take on the legends!) who get tangled up in some serious underwater drama.

Natalie and Alexandra are giving away books that give a different take on fairytales and legends too! Some even have sea creature peeps! So go enter! And thanks for celebrating with me! xo

(The photo is one of my most favorite artworks ever. Mermaid Tea Party by Jim Warren. I've seen it in person at the Wyland Gallery at Disney World and it's so amazingly beautiful and precious. If Natalie, Alexandra and I were still kids, and mermaids, this is what we look like while we celebrated.)


  1. I'm not sure if I've commented on the original post, but I just want to say a huge congrats to you! I love mermaids -- and selkies! oh selkies -- and really cannot wait to read TANGLED TIDES. :)

    And that painting is gorgeous!

  2. Hey Karen.. congratulations on your book deal.

    I love stories about mermaids and selkies and sea creatures. Is this a YA/Paranormal romance by the way? No matter, mermaid stories are super cool.

    Congrats again... BTW, I love your blog background.. =)

  3. Zoe, YES! Mine is a YA paranormal romance. I'll update that in my post. Thanks for asking! :)

  4. I just read the synopsis for Tangled Tides on Facebook somewhere..

    Super excited. Oh, will you be writing a series then or is this a standalone? This is really.. making me very happy.

    Thanks Karen!

  5. Zoe,

    It's book 1 of a planned series, THE SEA MONSTER MEMOIRS. :) Book 2 is being written right now! :)

    I'm so glad it makes you happy. It makes me happy that others are happy. :)


  6. You are the best. :)

    The mermaid tea party is ADORABLE! I think maybe I'll have to write some MG mermaids one day.

  7. Congratulations on the book deal! I wish you more success in the future.

    I love stories featuring mythical beings/creatures, and I've always loved being in the water. So your book sounds like it's right up my alley. :)

  8. I seriously cannot wait to read this. It's going to be awesome. Also, I love it when other people consider sirens and mermaids as separate beings. :)

  9. That painting is awesome! I don't know any of these books, but I'll take one.

  10. Congratulations again, Karen! I'm very happy for you, and encouraged by your success. I have quite a few Facebook friends from my high school days that are big YA fantasy readers, so I'll be pimping your book out when it hits the shelves :)

  11. Oh, I love a good paranormal romance, no matter what the paranormal aspect is, but I've yet to read a mermaid novel, Karen.

    Can't wait to read Tangled Tides, but STitS (oh, maybe I should have spelled that out. The acronym looks naughty) sounds like a satisfying read, too!

    Thanks for a fun contest! I'll have to check out the other links!

  12. Congratulations!!! I love YA fantasy, so your book sounds awesome!!

  13. Congrats on the book deal! I'm looking forward to reading it when it comes out. I'm a huge fantasy/paranormal fan.

  14. one awesome picture! Congrats again!

  15. Congrats Congrats!!!! I'm so excited for you!!!! Maybe I'll be next lol

  16. Wow, surprised by the mermaid! Lovely. So put my name in the hat, I'm already a follower and I'm SO EXCITED for YOU!

  17. Congrats on your book deal. I'm looking forward to reading Tangled Tides, I love mermaids, selkies, sirens and gorgons.

  18. LOVE that pic! I've seen it before and want a print to hang on my wall. All these mermaid pics are making me REALLY excited to see what kind of cover your book will have.

    Squee! I'm still so excited for you! ♥♥♥

  19. I am super excited for you. So wonderful to hear this.

  20. Congrats on the book deal & thanks for the giveaway!
    GFC - Memrie


  21. That is a really great piece of art. Its great.

  22. I'm a little late to the party, but wanted to drop by and congratulate you on the book deal. SO AWESOME!

  23. Woohoo! I love a good mermaid story. Congrats!

  24. Yay! Good times! And i love that picture!

  25. Love that tea party picture and once again congrats.

  26. Congrats! You must be very ecstatic! I can't wait to read your book!

  27. that is totally awesome! I cant wait to read.. it sounds amazing!

  28. Congrats I cannot wait to read your book!

  29. CONGRATS!!!!! way cool


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