Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The Good News and the Bad News

Bad news should always come first, so here it is: I'm a liar.
I'm not choosing a SHIP BREAKER winner today. I will choose the winner on Friday. It's a long, dark and twisty story involving bartering and blackmailing, but trust me; lives may or may not have been threatened so I made this decision for everyone's safety.

The good news: Carol is giving away a CRAP LOAD of books over at her blog. One being SHIP BREAKER. So now you have TWO chances to win SB or you could win some other great ones. And if you haven't entered my contest yet, now you can. Just click here.

I promise I will choose the winner on Friday. Please forgive me.

(Dear Ms. Honey Hostage, if you're reading this, please return my loved ones ASAP--preferably unharmed.)


  1. Hmmm. Deception. As long as there are prizes.

  2. Ha Ha! I love that picture! Although I am sure for the teddy, the situation is unbearable. (Ok, you can groan now.) - G

  3. Already came from there, but you're being a little shady here, aren't ya? Love it.

  4. :D Thatta girl. Now I won't have to hurt your bear.

    Wait. What?

    I meant, awww...poor bear.

  5. Cool. thanks for the link!

    No worries, I wouldn't want anything untoward happen to the bear. He`s just too cute.

  6. It's okay, I forgive you. From your review of the book I was too excited and went to check it out at the library. I am reading it this weekend. Thanks for the post.


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