I'm not going to add to the uproar about Shannon's posts. Instead, I'd like to reply with some visual displays of my own beliefs about how I wish authors, readers, agents, editors, publicists, bloggers, and any other book related folk could interact with each other and coexist.
Saturday, June 23, 2012
I'm not going to add to the uproar about Shannon's posts. Instead, I'd like to reply with some visual displays of my own beliefs about how I wish authors, readers, agents, editors, publicists, bloggers, and any other book related folk could interact with each other and coexist.
Monday, June 11, 2012
As writers, why do we let negativity affect us so much?
Why can one negative remark stick with us, upset us, deflate us, ruin our mood or even our whole day?
Why is that we can receive dozens of compliments and not obsess over any of them, but when a stranger says something negative we let it fester?
I don’t have the answer.
But as an author who has my beloved stories “out there” for strangers to love or hate, I have developed a cardinal rule, a mantra, a declaration that every writer/artist/human should keep in mind at all times: You can’t please everyone.
You can’t. I promise you; YOU CAN’T.
Stop trying. Stop worrying about the people who don’t like what you’re doing, saying, or writing. Readers have different tastes and expectations. Over six billion people exist on this planet. That’s A LOT of opinions. Don’t focus on the people who don’t like you, your book, or whatever. They are entitled to their opinion--even if it’s negative.
Focus on the positive. Focus on what makes you happy and keep doing it. Authors, embrace each and every tweet, email, review, or comment from readers who say they loved your book. Let those comments be the ones you replay in your mind as you go to sleep each night. Focus on the positive. Brush off the negative.
Art is subjective. Life is subjective. Opinions are subjective. Books are most certainly subjective. Go read reviews of the most popular book you can think of, I assure you, there will be people who didn’t like it. It’s normal. It’s expected. It’s a given. Because it’s all subjective.
Every writer has been through this struggle--or will at some point in their career. We all take the negative comments to heart--even though we shouldn’t. Maybe it’s because we put so much heart, soul, and passion into our writing. When someone says our heart, soul, and passion is crap; it hurts like hell.I know. I get it. I’ve been there. I still occasionally read a negative review and reach for a cocktail to help me cope, but then I remember my number one rule. I repeat my mantra.
I can’t please everyone.
Then I reread fan mail and positive reviews, and focus on the proof that many people out there DO love my work. Those readers make this crazy roller coaster ride of writing the best and most rewarding thing I’ve ever done. Haters and all.
Sunday, June 3, 2012
Weekend of Helping
Baby Jayden is a precious child who has had one heck of a fight for his life. His fabulous grandma Wen, and one of my favorite people in the world, Natalie Bahm, are holding an auction to help raise money for all the VERY expensive things needed to help Jayden. Please go check it out and bid if you can. Baby Jayden Auction Blog

I'm donating a signed paperback of Tangled Tides along with an ebook of Grasping at Eternity. AND a 50 page critique of any manuscript (Obviously YA is my preferred choice, but I like MG literary and romance too.) Any and all bids are greatly appreciated. Bid here.
Lots of great stuff is up for grabs: agent critiques, cool artwork, other signed books, hangout time with amazing authors, etc. So go help a great cause if you can afford to donate. If you can't afford to bid, please help by tweeting about the auction. Updates at @HelpBabyJayden

I set u a quarantine area in the back bathroom and bathed her with medicated shampoo to help her skin rashes. I tried trimming a few of her ridiculously long nails. I gave her small amounts of food throughout the day, and showed her lots of love. Then I gave her a second bath for the remaining fleas.

Say a little prayer that I can find this angel a good home.
Friday, June 1, 2012
*throws confetti*
*drinks mimosa*
***a beautiful pic of a birthday cake used to be in this post but due to the recent lawsuits for using photos on blogs I took it down.***
Forgot to get me a gift? No worries! You can make it up to me by buying one of my books today. Grasping at Eternity eBook is only $3.99 on Amazon or Barnes&Noble. Tangled Tides is only $4.99.
Already read them? Posting a review on Amazon or B&N would also be a very nice birthday gift. :)
And now, let's spread some love by announcing winners of my recent contests. Yes, I'm late with these announcements but you can't be upset with me because it's my birthday.
Okay, here we go.
The winner of my Beach Bash contest is...CASSANDRA BLOOM
The winner of my Grasping at Eternity Release Day contest is...SUSAN @ The Book Bag
The winner of Lisa Nowak's DRIVEN giveaway is...SAMJAM G
I'm on my way to Disney World to eat a Dole Whip and celebrate my bday, so I won't be emailing the winners until tomorrow, but congrats!!!
*puts party panties on*
Time to celebrate!!!!!
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