Friday, October 13, 2017

The Kraken is Coming!

Hello! *dusts off blog*

After years (decades? It sure feels that long) of working on the final book in my Sea Monster Memoirs series, Sacred Seas is finally a completed and edited story. YAY! *throws shimmering starfish confetti*

Edits are done. Formatting awaits. And then, it will be time to unleash the kraken into the world(s)! (That last sentence is a big hint for what's in store for you in book 3.)

I've debated on whether or not to plan the release for months from now in order to build up promotion time. However, I feel that's unfair to the readers who have been waiting for YEARS. (I'm so, so sorry for the wait.)

Therefore, in a very non-traditional way of doing a book release, I'm going to release Sacred Seas as soon as it's ready. I'm predicting mid November but if it's ready earlier than earlier it shall be.

Let's face it, it has been a LONG time since Dangerous Depths released, so you may need a refresher read to remember what the heck happened. (I needed a refresher read and I'm the author.) So, I'll be hosting a (re)read along party on Facebook starting Oct 18th. I will be rereading Tangled Tides during week 1, and Dangerous Depths during week 2. (Feel free to start reading earlier if you'd like.)

During those two weeks I'll be answering questions, chatting with readers, swooning over Treygan, and giving away lots of fun prizes: ebooks, signed paperbacks, sea creature themed treasures, and more.

Be sure to join the Facebook event by clicking HERE so you don't miss out on the fun.  

If you'd like to help spread the word about the FB party and Sacred Seas FINALLY releasing soon...
1.) I would love you forever
2.) You'd be entered to win an ebook (probably a day or two before anyone can buy it) PLUS a signed paperback. And I'll throw in some fun mermaid paraphernalia as an extra thank you.

To enter use this lovely Rafflecopter box below.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

How Karen Will Get Her Groove Back

Oh, where to start.

First and most importantly, I am truly sorry for disappearing for a year. Truly and deeply. That's mainly an apology to my readers, but also to myself.

Some of you might remember that back in February of last year I found myself a part-time job in an attempt to bring new energy to my writing and, hopefully, renew my creativity. Yay. Peachy. Except the job immediately turned full-time and then some, so I ended up putting almost all of my time and energy into that instead of keeping my writing a priority. I kept telling myself that "I'd get back to writing next week--when things at work slowed down." Except next week never came because things never slowed down.

As of today, I'm officially back. The universe showed me sign after sign after sign that I needed to return to my passion and refocus on the work that nourishes my soul. I needed to return to the people (real and fictional) whom I love so dearly: my readers, my characters, my family, my friends, my Dream Team of people who help(ed) with my books. Oh, and let's not forget, myself.

I lost my way for a while. (Don't we all?) But I did learn some important life lessons and I acquired some new treasured friends, so while a lot of time and productivity on my books was lost, the job paid off in priceless other ways. However, I'm now back on my writerly path with a renewed love and appreciation for the work I do as an author. I'm ready to travel forward fully equipped with all I've learned during this past year.

I'm also excited to finally make good use of the beautiful and amazing gift that my Prince Charming/Peter Pan had built for me. I introduce to you, my writing room! *throws confetti*  Check out the custom built cabinets, reading nook, cork boards, desk, etc...

And the heartwarming and inspirational note written on my new whiteboard that I read over and over...
And yes, the space doubles as a guest room. My desk folds down, Murphy Bed gets lowered and voila! My office becomes a cozy sleeping space for guests. Squishy especially loves the reading nook and makes great use of my pillows...
So, as of today, I am starting to catch up on messages, projects, and everything else book and writing related. To give you an update of where I am with my future releases:

I AM working on Sacred Seas. The rough draft does exist, I have my editor's notes, and I'm improving and revising it. I'm on page 99 of 385. It was being worked on very slowly, but now I will be able to give it the time and attention it deserves. However, I refuse to release it until I'm proud of it and confident that it's good enough for my readers. It's the final book of a trilogy. It has to be the best it can be. I won't ask my readers settle for less. I won't settle for less. I will announce a release date as soon as I'm sure of one.

The new and improved audiobook of Tangled Tides is currently awaiting approval from ACX. But it is done and I'm excited to share it with you very soon.

There WILL be another Kindrily book. I already wrote the opening chapter (at least the opening for right now) and I made lots of scene notes over this past weekend. My Kindrily characters are eagerly trying to get my attention because they have more stories to be told. I look forward to returning to their world and sharing more of their soul mate magic with you.

Sea, Stars and Beyond (my collection of bonus short stories from each of my series) is also on my Must Complete Soon list. Again, my editor read it and made notes, so it is coming along, but it still needs work before releasing it to my beloved readers. It's just not good enough yet.

That's it for now. It feels really good to be back. I hope you will reach out and let me know you're doing too. Comment below, message me on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, email me or send Harry Potter's owl to deliver me a message. (A visit from Hedwig would be my preferred method, but I'll take what I can get.)

The bottom line is this: I've missed you. I'm sorry for falling off the grid. I hope you forgive me, and I will do better moving forward.

And now, time for more coffee...

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