It's kind of surreal that I'm participating. Mainly because I'm hosting an amazing author, but also because my book hasn't even been out a week!
My own hauntingly beautiful bonus material is out there somewhere in Scavenger Hunt land, waiting for you to find it! And let me tell you, I LOVE my bonus material. Love. Love. Love. (When you find it you'll understand why.)
Here's how the hunt works...
We’ve put together a puzzle with one keyword found on each website. Complete it and you will be eligible for a fantastic GRAND PRIZE which will include signed editions of books, signed bookmarks, jewelry, and many more exclusive gifts with at least one gift from EVERY AUTHOR!
Each author is hosting another author's bonus material AND a link to the next step of the hunt. Work your way through the circuit and collect all of the 37 words in red. At each stop, enter the author's personal contest. There's lots of great stuff up for grabs.
After you've completed the circuit, unscramble the words as you proceed through the Scavenger Hunt. When you're finished, fill out the contest entry form here.
To be eligible for the grand prize, you must submit the completed puzzle before noon on Dec 4th Pacific Time. All the keywords must be in the correct place and you must include your full name and address. Entries sent in without name and address will not be considered.

(Personal note: I was very excited about this because Lisa lives in Colorado Springs, and I used to live in Colorado Springs, so yay for us being kinda-like-neighbors-once-upon-a-time.)
River of Time Series
Gabriella and Evangelia Betarrini are the daughters of Etruscan archeologists. Stuck on a hot, dusty dig site for yet another long, dreary summer—far from the nearest boys—they go exploring. They enter a forbidden tomb and find two handprints among the frescoes. And when they touch them, together, they are catapulted back in time…and into the adventure of their lives.
Right now, in honor of the YA Scavenger Hunt, you can get any of the River of Time series at a special sale price! Kindle copies are currently $.99 WATERFALL, $2.99 CASCADE and $2.99 TORRENT
The music is epic and the books sound incredible. I've already bought my copy of Waterfall. I'm so excited to read it.
Now, while you're here, feel free to enter my
Up for grabs: A signed and personalized (if you'd like it personalized) copy of TANGLED TIDES, a booklet of fun and pretty mermaid tattoos, a Karma card (everyone should have one) and finally, a Grow Your Own Mermaid toy (I can see you splashing with excitement from way over here.)
How to enter:
- follow my blog (+1)
- follow me on Twitter at @Karen_Hooper (+1)
- get a friend to follow me on Twitter (+1)
- like me on Facebook (+1)
- Leave me a comment on this blog. (+1) (Be sure to tell me how many entries you have. And be honest. Remember the karma card!)
(Open Internationally because mermaids live EVERYWHERE!)