If you're waiting to hear from agents, editors, publicists, or anyone else in the publishing business, expect major delays.
I mean, really, would YOU be answering emails if you had the chance to be in NYC walking through aisles of publishers and books and chatting with thousands of literary-minded folks? I think not.
BEA has a New Title Showcase area where authors and their books can get massive exposure. Check out the online version if you're interested. http://www.newtitleshowcase.com/
I've decided to present my own variation: The New Author Showcase. These authors won't get nearly as much exposure as BEA, but what the heck. Take a scroll around, check out all these fine authors and follow their blogs so you can say you knew them back before they were on the best seller list.
NEW AUTHOR SHOWCASE (in alphabetical order)
Natalie Bahm -writes amazing MG like it's as easy as tying her shoes. She nails voice and knows what kids find funny and entertaining --probably because she has 3 of her own and a 4th on the way. Her talent is so obvious that she was pulled from the slush pile by her fabulous agent, Sara Megibow at the Nelson Literary Agency.
Marie Devers -the Cool Hand Luke of my writer gang. She doesn't try to be a kickass writer, it's just who she is. Her YA stories will make you laugh, cry, and leave you in awe of her storytelling skills. She's got mad credentials, has taught in Alaska, and soon she will be reading a lot more picture books since she's currently pregnant with our future president.
Sara McClung -Not even published yet but gets hit on whenever she enters a bookstore. Some people are just destined for author superstardom. Her YA story made me want to go back to high school and rock a binder with "Karen -N- Patrick 4-ever" doodled all over it. Watch out Edward, there's a new stud coming to Paranormal Town.
Shannon Messenger -Bestill my racing heart. She can write an exciting roller coaster ride of a magical MG story. I can't share too many details about it, but have no fear, I know you'll be seeing a deal announcement soon when her uber agent, Laura Rennert at Andrea Brown Literary sells her first of many future best-selling books.
Derek Molata -The black sheep of my writer peeps. Some might consider his writing a tad dark, but I call it brilliant. He knows his way around the rabbit hole and writes stories that will twist the straightest of minds and leave readers begging for more. Rep'd by Janet Reid at FinePrint Literary his stories will surely be on the YA and adult bookshelves in the very near future.
Megan Rebekah -If you've read her blog, you already know what an awesome writer she is. Not to mention she's so darn lovable--just like her characters. As the drill sergeant of manuscripts she can break you down then help you rebuild, strengthen, and endure so your stories are ready for query wars. Seriously, she should start her own business.
I haven't read the manuscripts of the next couple writers, but I have to mention them because they share a passion for sea folk. So, I'd like to give a splash-out to:Tricia O'Brien -My mermaid comrade. Our by-the-sea tales are nothing alike, but our great minds are. She always blows me away with her amazing photos, musings, and posts. I can only imagine how beautiful her stories must be.
Lynn Colt -Her YA fantasy about selkies got her an offer from the fantastic Ginger Clark at Curtis Brown. I'm pretty sure our version of selkies are very different, but I'm looking forward to reading her stories.
I have a dozen other people who I would love to mention but the blog booth just isn't big enough. (I imagine that's how all the publishing houses and publicists feel at BEA.)
So, feel free to pimp out your writing partners, up-and-coming author friends, or new writer/bloggers in the comments section. (Don't forget to post a link or web address to their site or blog.) If you think they're fabulous we'd love to hear about them. Nothing like spreading the writerly love.